Advisory Group for Roma Communities - CONCIG

The Advisory Group for Roma Communities has, under the Priority 1 of the Council of Ministers Resolution 25/2013 march 27th, 1st Priority, the mission of close following and monitoring the National Roma Communities Integration Strategy.
Article 2 of the Statute of CONCIG
a) Assessment of ENICC’s annual progress report and, if deemed necessary, interim reports;
b) Assessment of the external independent evaluation of ENICC;
c) Assessment of the Roma community's situation in general.
Council of Ministers Resolution 25/2013 of March 27
a) The High Commissioner, who chairs and ensures its coordination;
b) Two representatives of the Government member responsible for the internal administration;
c) A representative appointed by the Government member responsible for justice;
d) A Government member of the representative responsible for the areas of the economy and employment;
e) A Government member of the representative responsible for the area of ​​housing;
f) A Government member of the representative responsible for health;
g) A Government member of the representative responsible for the area of ​​education;
h) A member of the Government's representative responsible for the areas of solidarity and social security;
i) A representative of the Regional Government of the Azores;
j) A representative of the Regional Government of Madeira;
k) A representative of the National Association of Portuguese Municipalities;
l) A representative of the National Association of Portuguese Parishes;
m) Two representatives of institutions working Roma communities, to be designed by the High Commissioner for Migration;
n) Four representatives of Roma communities associations, to be designed by the High Commissioner for Migration;
o) Two citizens of recognized merit, to be designed by the High Commissioner for Migration;
p) Two representatives of academic or research institutions with relevant work on Roma communities, to be designed by the High Commissioner for Migration.

Article 4 of the Statute of CONCIG
The CONCIG normally meets every four months and extraordinarily when called by the chairman or when at least one third of its members request it in writing, and in this latter case, mentioning the matter they wish to see included on the agenda.
Article 5 of the Statute of CONCIG
1. CONCIG meets in Plenary.
2. CONCIG may decide to set up working groups or committees that monitor specific aspects of its duties.
3. They may attend meetings at the invitation of the President, and representatives and experts of government departments, or other public or private entities, associations or citizens whose hearing or contribution may be relevant to the activity of CONCIG.
4. The observing members may attend meetings but do not have voting rights

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