Strategic Plan for Migration (PEM)

The demands of the present moment, at the demographic, economic and social levels impose an articulated transversal strategy based on policies that allow to maximize the resources available. Today's challenges require the development of a strategic plan in the area of migration based on five priority policy axes.


The impacts of international migration are multiple, having as inherent the cultural diversity of societies, the deepening of relations between countries, entrepreneurship and innovation, open markets, the net contribution to public finances, and the effects on demography;

Migration flows in Portugal have a notable variability over the last few years. There was significant increase in the foreign population between the years 2000 and 2010. Migratory outflows remained constant until 2008, when they had a remarkable growth;

From 2010, associating negative natural balances the decline of net migration, Portugal had negative total population balances; Portugal was no longer able to compensate the negative natural balance with the migration balance;

Increased life expectancy leads to strengthening of aging and / or elderly over representation;

Portugal presented in 2012 a synthetic fertility rate of 1.28 children per woman, below the EU average of 1.6 children. In 2012, Portugal had a net negative migration rate (-3.6%) while the average of the European Union (out of the 27) was 1.8%.


Priority Axes

Axis I - Immigrant integration policies

The objectives of this axis aim to consolidate the integration work, training and fight discrimination against immigrants and ethnic groups in  the Portuguese society, with a view to a better mobilization of their talent and skills, appreciation of cultural and religious diversity, greater social mobility, decentralization of integration policies and better coordination with the employment policy and access to a common citizenship.


Axis II - Policies to promote the integration of new nationals

The objectives of this axis aim at strengthening measures to promote the integration and inclusion of the new national, namely the descendants of immigrants and all those who meanwhile had access to Portuguese nationality through actions in the fields of education, vocational training, transition to the labor market, civic and political participation, digital inclusion, entrepreneurship and training.


Axis III - Coordination Policies of migration flows

The objectives of this axis are directed to the promotion and enhancement international of Portugal as a destination of migration, through national and international actions to identify, to attract and establish migrants, contributing to a better and more intelligent management of migratory flows and to strengthen the attraction, talent and human capital circulation.


Axis IV - Policies strengthening the migratory legality and quality of migration services

The objectives of this axis relate to the strengthening of cross intervention capacity in the implementation of migration policies, by strengthening the network of partnerships with public and private entities, the framework and monitoring of potential migrants, the use of electronic tools, flexible entry procedures and claim a reinforced culture of quality and good practice in the provision of migration services.


Axis V - Incentive policies, monitoring and support the return of national emigrant citizens

The objectives of this axis aim to actions and programs in close coordination with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, to promote, monitor and support the return of national emigrated citizens abroad or strengthening their bond of ties to Portugal, contributing in this way to reverse the emigration movement of Portuguese citizens abroad.


Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 12-B/2015, on 20 March (PT)

Strategic Plan for Migration (EN)


PEM Reports

Implementation Report 2017-2018 (PT)

Interim Evaluation Report (PT)

Implementation Report 2015-2016 (PT)

Plans for Immigrant Integration

Plan for Immigrant Integration - PII - 2010-2013 (EN)

Plan for Immigrant Integration - PII - 2007-2009 (EN)

Evaluation of the Plans for Immigrant Integration

Final Execution Repport of the Plan for Immigrant Integration - PII - 2010-2013 (PT)

Final Repport of the Plan for Immigrant Integration - PII - 2007-2009 (PT)

Programa Nacional
Programa Nacional relativo ao FAMI aprovado pela Decisão C(2020)2897, de 4 de maio de 2020.
Programa Nacional relativo ao FAMI aprovado pela Decisão C(2018)7921, de 30 de novembro de 2018.
Aprovação de Nova Revisão do Programa Nacional do Fundo para o Asilo, a Migração e a Integração.
A Comissão Europeia, através da Decisão C(2018)7921, de 30/11/2018, reforçou o Programa Nacional do Fundo para o Asilo, a Migração e a Integração (FAMI), com um montante suplementar de 685.125,00 € atribuído em conformidade com o Anexo I do  Regulamento (UE) n.º 516/2014, passando a dotação global do PN para 75.860.651,00 €.​
Adoção de uma nova Decisão no âmbito do Programa Nacional do Fundo para o Asilo, a Migração e a Integração para o período 2014-2020
A Comissão Europeia adotou a 30 de agosto de 2017 a Decisão C(2017) 5862, que aprova a revisão do Programa Nacional do Fundo para o Asilo, a Migração e a Integração para o período 2014-2020.
A nova Decisão vem dotar o Programa Nacional de recursos financeiros adicionais, no montante de cerca de 3,5 Milhões de euros.
Legislação Nacional
Aprova o Sistema de Gestão e Controlo (SGC)
Presidência do Conselho de Ministros e Ministérios das Finanças e da Administração Interna
Define as condições de acesso e as regras gerais de cofinanciamento comunitário aos projetos apresentados ao abrigo do Fundo para o Asilo, a Migração e a Integração.
Legislação Comunitária
Altera os Regulamentos (UE) n.º 514/2014 que estabelece disposições gerais aplicáveis ao Fundo para o Asilo, a Migração e a Integração e ao instrumento de apoio financeiro à cooperação policial, à prevenção e luta contra a criminalidade e à gestão de crises, (UE) n.º 516/2014 que cria o Fundo para o Asilo, a Migração e a Integração e (UE) n.º 1147/2021 que cria o Fundo para o Asilo, a Migração e a Integração.
Estabelece disposições gerais aplicáveis ao fundo para o Asilo, a Migração e a Integração e ao instrumento de apoio financeiro à cooperação policial, à prevenção e luta contra a criminalidade e à gestão de crises.
Cria o Fundo para o Asilo, a Migração e a Integração, que altera a Decisão 2008/381/CE do Conselho e que revoga as Decisões n.º 573/2007/CE e n.º 575/2007/CE do Parlamento Europeu e do Conselho e a Decisão 2007/435/CE do Conselho.
Estabelece o calendário e outras condições de execução relacionadas com o mecanismo de afetação de recursos para o programa de reinstalação da União ao abrigo do Fundo para o Asilo, a Migração e a Integração.

Migrant Support Line

This hotline is working from Monday to Friday between 9:00 am and 7:00 pm. Get more information here.

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