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Update of COVID-19 measures: Acceptance of expired documents

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Update of COVID-19 measures: Acceptance of expired documents
On 18 February, the Decree-Law no. 23-A/2022 was published in Diário da República (Official Portuguese Republic Journal), which amends the measures within the scope of the pandemic disease COVID-19, highlighting the following changes:
. Documents and visas related to your stay in Portugal which expired from 14 March 2020 or within 15 days prior to that date remain valid, under the same terms, until 30 June 2022.
. The documents referred in the previous number are still accepted after 30 June 2022, under the same terms, provided that you prove that you already scheduled the respective renewal.
Be reminded that, still within the scope of the evolution of the epidemiological situation in the country, Order no. 12870-C/2021 was published on 31 December 2021, which determines that all foreign citizens with applications pending at the Immigration and Borders Service (SEF), whose request was submitted until 31 December 2021, are temporarily in a regular stay situation in national territory and have access to certain rights and support, including health, social support, employment and housing.
Consult the information cards about the Decree-Law no. 23-A/2022 and the Order no. 12870-C/2021 in Portuguese and English.
Access Decree-Law no. 23-A/2022, of 18 February.
Access Order no. 12870-C/2021, of 31 December.
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