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COVID-19: ACM, I.P.' Contingency Plan

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COVID-19: ACM, I.P.' Contingency Plan
"In accordance with Law 102/2009, of 10 of September, the employer is obliged to guarantee the safety and health conditions of the staff, in a continued and permanent manner, including the implementation of prevention measures.
The Chinese authorities identified in 2019 a new Coronavirus, designed as SARS-CoV-2, the causal agent of COVID19. The potential impact of COVID-19 outbreaks is high, making the spreading of the virus likely. Considering the infection caused by the new Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, the Directorate-General of Health (DGS) has issued guidelines on how staff of public and private entities should act in situations of suspected or confirmed infection.
Order n.º 2839-A/2020, of 02 of March, determines the obligation of public employers to create a contingency plan aligned with the DGS guidelines (Guideline n.º 006/2020, of 26 of February).
ACM, I.P., having been developing preventative measures, shows in the present document the Contingency Plan to take into account in a situation of (suspected or confirmed) infection, not just of its staff members but also the staff of partner institutions that work in ACM, I.P. premises, the staff of companies which provide services in this Institute’s premises and the citizens (clients) that daily access the public services made available by this Institute."
Access the ACM, I.P.' Contingency Pan, also available in Portuguese (pt).

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